Recently had a stress test MPI and results came back abnormal. Trying not to freak out I am. I have an appointment to see a cardiologist on Monday at 8:00 am. The results indicated the following: There is a reversal wall, small to moderate sized, moderate intensity anterior and anteroseptal perfusion defect. However, there is a moderate sized, moderate intensity area of reversed redistribution involving the inferior walls. This defect pattern suggests the possibility of shifting breast attenuation artifact. The estimated myocardium at ris is 12-18%. rotational projections show a horizontally oriented, normal-sized heart. There is mild to moderate breast attenuation defect. The gated study shows well preserved regional wall thickening and contractility. The calculated LV ejection is within normal limits and exceeds 70%. I am a 49 y/o female who seeking weight-loss surgery, thus the reason for the stress test. what does all of this mean?