I am a 28 year old female having multiple symptoms for the past 2-3 months: pain in posterior/anterior neck area, lump like feeling in throat when swallowing, difficulty swallowing/choking on food and saliva at times, crackling and pain in ears mainly right side when talking or opening mouth, sore tonsils, unexplained coughing especially at night, voice hoarness, frequent nausea, rapid heart beat throughout the day, extreme, extreme fatigue, no energy, constipation and diarrhea, headaches, tenderness throughout certain parts of my body, joint pain, tremors, cold/hot spells, feelings anxious, tenderness/sharp pain in upper left abdomen in ribcage area between ribs, pain in upper right abdomen area, lymph nodes throughout body feel swollen/tender, shortness of breath; no known fever, blood pressure always normal, no weight gain/loss. My mother suffers from thyroid disease, lupus, RA, high cholesterol and her mother had ovarian cancer (survivor). Had an ultrasound of my thyroid recently because of neck pain etc: (right thyroid) right lobe measures 4.8 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm. No nodules detected. No right side adenopathy. (Left thyroid) left lobe measures 5.3 x 1.5 x 1.8 cm. There is a complex cystic nodule with multiple septations in left pole measuring 2.2 x 1.4 x 1.7 cm. No left side adenopathy detected. Normal is isthmus. Impression: complex cystic nodule left lower pole. This would be amenable to FNA. Pcp referred me to an endocrinologist; already scheduled consultation. Can the findings be cancerous and can this be causing all my symptoms? I know I would have to wait for the biopsy results. (Sorry for the long message) Thank you! -Rlinda