I am believed to have autonomic dysfunction - some of my current symptoms relate back to my childhood, however, I seem to have gone into "remission" once I started menses. I am only 37 but had a complete hysterectomy last Dec. It seems that not only have my childhood symptoms returned but I have many new ones. They are as follows: trouble starting my urine flow (60% of the time), burning when urinating at least 1 - 2 times wk, I have severe dumping syndrome (3% gastric retention after 1 hour), roughly 20 minutes after consuming a meal (any meal), my heart rate increases, my torso begins to feel as if I am cooking, my head becomes dizzy and my vision becomes blurry, I have sexual dysfunction, and have battled insomnia since childhood, I have also lost roughly 25 lbs. unintentionally due to this and seem to not be able to gain weight. I am 5'9 and currently weigh 117 lbs. (up from 111 lbs.). I was told by my GI dr. that he believes I have autonomic dysfunction, I was sent to ENT to rule out food allergies, he too believes I have autonomic dysfunction. The thought of this all going on since having the hysterectomy is making me believe that these issues could be estrogen related. I had trouble conceiving and went through roughly 18 cycles of fertility drugs, in which my infertility dr. always told me that I had an extremely high estrogen level and he was always adjusting my drugs due to this. So my questions is, could this possibly be related to my having had a complete hysterectomy? I am asking here because there is only 1 doctor in NE Ohio that tests for autonomic dysfunction and I was told it will take at least a year to gain an appt. with him.