Hi, I'm a 30 year old male and I need help. A little about my past. During my child hood I always had trouble in school, never got good grades, never could focus and always used to get in trouble for being frigidity. (tapping legs, moving hands, drumming on anything I could find, chewing on nails or pencils). I always felt like I had this energy I never could release which caused me feel very erratic I felt as If my mind could not slow down enough to focus on 1 thing at a time. as I got older into my teens I always had to have something new to do which allowed me to get pretty good at a lot of things (skateboarding, bikes, computers, guitar.. etc), but never really good at one thing if that makes sense. I would always start doing something but then hours later have this urge to wanna do something new. My family has always labeled me as super intelligent where I could figure out things easy that come harder to other people, but at the same time would say I was lazy because I couldn't stay one 1 thing which led to everyone saying to me "it's just a faze" because I jumped around to much. As I got older I almost didn't graduate high school. I went from a regular high school and got kicked out for my grades and had to go to a continuation school... drop out of that because of grades and ended up going back later to adult school and barley passing that to get my high school diploma because at the time my girlfriend kept me on track. Fast forward alittle.. I have trouble holding jobs which I've had more then 10 which I would only work for about a few months and have this urge to move on. One of the most important things in my life is computers. It's something I have always had the most interest in maybe because theirs so much different things you can do. I've started a web design business quite that, start a computer repair business quite that, but then I want to go back and do it again.. its like a vicious cycle. It seems like its getting worse.. my focus is getting worse and the time I spent on tasks are getting shorter because of the racing multitasking thoughts in my mind to want to do something else. There is so much more I can tell you but I feel this is already getting long. I have been told by a few people I might have add/adhd that's never been treated and as I'm getting older I'm starting to really notice it. could someone else me maybe understand some of these feelings?