When I was in the hospital, they had a IV in my wrist. They started to give me potassium through it and I screamed in pain, because it burned so bad. After that they couldn't put anything in it without it burning and causing pain. Then later they placed another IV further up my arm, in the crook of my elbow. That also started burning anytime they put anything in it. Well on my discharge they removed the IVs, but the areas are very swollen and red. The area where my veins are, are hard as rocks, and I can barely use my arm due to the pain. Did the potassium burn my veins, or are my veins blown from the IV? I am also fighting cervical cancer at the moment, I was in the hospital to have a hysterectomy. The arm that I'm having problems with at one time like a week or two ago had a pickline in it, that had to be removed due to bacteria growing in it. I had stopped receiving chemo anyway. Please help me with any advice on how I may make my arm better. I have already tried the icepack thing, any other suggestions?