When I'm afraid, I start to have OCD type behaviors. As a child, I was afraid of taking a shower, so I would repeat a phrase before and after so I would feel "safe". As an adult, I have a few behaviors ( like always taking a sip of water if I pass a dark room) that make me feel "safe" if I'm afraid. Sometimes I will have a thought ( nearly always different thoughts, an example could be as simple as playing the next Netflix episode) and I will think, no if I do that something terrible will happen, and I won't do that. Sometimes I can overcome my anxiety and complete the action however. And all of it (thoughts actions etc) is centered on a fear of the paranormal. It doesn't interfere with my daily life and besides that j don't seem to have any other OCD like behaviors (I'm an organized and tidy person but that's preference ) what could this be?