am 28 years, weight 63,height 164.iam trying for pregnency last 1 year. am consulting infertility clinic. ultrasound shows subsepate utrus, thikkend endometrium 15mm, that time i had also irregular bleeding.laproscopy and hystoscopy and d&c done on july 2014.septum recected, cauterized minimal month i was conceived.but 6th week happend miscarriage.after 2 months urofollitropin alpha 1 injection taken but not month taken 4 dose menotrophin injection, started on my cycle 2nd day .13th day of that cycle, started spotting and back pain .14th day inj.hcg 5000 iu taken . continued spotting. 22nd day upt shows strongly positive. beta hcg was 332 iu. same time one overian cyst rupured in my right overy.afer 3 days beta hcg was 312 iu. bleeding was continued. after 1 week came bleeding like period after6 days that beta hcg was 52, ultrasound shows there is no gestational sac.2nd miscarriage happend on january 15th 2015 after period spotting not stopped till at next period. it was on februvary docter advised start tab.nogeston od, on 2nd day of cycle for 21 days .then will come next period then can start again inj.follicullar stimulating hormone.but now am taken nogeston 13th days still i have minimal bleeding. what can i do? can i start inj. follicular stimulating hormone in next cycle?