Why do medics misguide sometimes? I passed blood in my stool and was told "an ulcer as burst" later they said it's bleeding piles and I need to be operated. Max Hospital took three weeks to clear my TPA formalities till then I tried homeopathy and got cured!!
We had held a seminar at the Himalayan hospital Dehra Dun and it was recommended that 90% of all ailments are curable by alternative medicine. and A.M. should be given the first trial. If they fail one should go in for operations.
My friend got operated for bleeding piles and got an infection and he is still bleeding and in pain.
Is my cure temporary or permanent?
I noticed that Piles occur due to constipation which comes with age. Trifla and Isabgol Husk plus some Homeopathic medicines like Collinsonia, Paeonia, Ratania, Sulf, Thuja, Silicia is what I took to self doctor myself. Is this cure temporary or permanent? Would modern medicine take adfvantage of my experience?