Yes I am 58 yr old female. I have hypothyroidism. I have high blood pressure, bipolar depression, low calcium, loe potassium. I have had an elevated WBC count for two yrs, bad headaches, blurred vision, excessive sweating, joint pain, funny smells in my head. When I bend over it feels like something has twisted inside on my upper left first rib area, well behind it. I have pain in both feet sometimes it is so bad it causes me to limp. I sleep all the time and have zero energy. My hands swell all over. I have a cyst or something on my lungs that has not changed and is stable. The dr thought I had something affecting my pituitary glands and ran tests, like 24 hr. Urine test, blood test after taking two pills. I get anxiety really bad it wakes me at times. They can not find anything yet I am having an MRI on my head this Friday.