Yes thank you very much! I had breast reconstruction two months ago on May 19th. It is called the TUG procedure where the tissue in both thighs is placed into the breasts. I still have some more work to do with surgery but so far the breasts look great! I had this surgery because of DCIS all over BOTH breast. Anyway, I had six drains and they were SO SO SO annoying! The first ones came out 23 days after surgery and the last one did not come out until six weeks later!! UGH! Unfortunately I still have fluid build up in one of my upper thighs. My plastic surgeon who is awesome recommended a catheter but I protested caused I hated the drains. So far he has drained two of my seromas in my left upper thigh with aspiration needles and although it is an annoying needle aspiration, it is better than a catheter. What do you think? I am going to my plastic surgeon tomorrow and I know he will have to aspirate again cause there is still some bulging there. He also gave me a diuretric for three days but I might need it for longer due to the continual seroma. Will these pills help? Please advise about the catheter, water pill, seroma, and needle aspirations. Thank you!