You know it's a shame that this can't be prescribed to people like me that have raised two children, told them morals, told them to always put God first in their life and one went ito the Army and the other is a COMPUTER Genius, no he makes websites for large companies, now whether or not my children drink, smoke, wouldn't know but they have no addictions etc., Anyway, I had a bad tooth had to wait two for the infection to leave, they took me back and pulled the tooth, the Oral Surgeon toldmy husband it needed to be cut out, and he was sorry, but they had to stop and give me pain medicine through IV and laughing gas, he sen me home and I truly was treated right but he said take tylenol. Are you kidding me, my husband said, he said we aren't allowed. This is why people find and buy their own stuff to take like a throbbing headache and tooth but that is normal. It wouldn't have hurt them to give me 3 pills of pain medicine. So wrong? Am I right or wrong, your opinion please?