at about 10.30 last night i snorted a line of mdma, the effects came on almost straight away and everything was okay, i got home at around 1am. a while later i started using my phone to write a message to my friend. i sat there typing sentances, deleting them and re-writing them. every time i glanced up at the clock at least an hour had gone past, i had been trying to write for almost three hours and i started to get really fustrated, my anxiety kicked in and for some reason i felt such and urgency to finish, but it made it even harder for me to think. my heart beat sped up, but i finally was somewhat safisfied with what i had written. it is now 9am and i am wide awake, i have been laying in bed for hours trying to relax and let myself fall asleep. not happening. my heart is beating fast, i do not feel anxious and i have even tried clearing my mind. nothing is stopping my heart from beating so fast! im not in panic at all, i just want to be able to sleep. how can i get my heart beating normally again?