dear doctor,
I am an 33 Y, Indian, male, living in Abu Dhabi, UAE
here all house, office and centrally air conditioned
My Nose gets blocked regularly
I dont have cold . But i have allergy since the age of 15
I get this nose block, when I smell few deodorants, when I get in Taxi ( due to the AC, deoderant they use) and some times due to AC.
daily it comes at one time, I use 1 drop of nasal de congestant drops. after 3-4 days, it shows improving signs, but by the time I get to travel in Taxi and again it starts
Recently, I went India for a 3 weeks (oct 23 to Nov 15), then this issue was automatically gone away
It started one week after I come back here again.
Other symptoms
Only Nasal block
If dont get it relived, air passing capacity reduce and will lead to head ache, if I get the block relived, even Headache also goes away
I dont have cold
even, India, my one nostril always in block condition, but due to the fresh air and more oxygen in the air, I never had this issue
But here, oxygen is already low in AC rooms, when nose gets blocked, then, I fell suffocated and get head ache