for at least 18months to 2 years my fiance has suffered with a build up of mucus sitting between the back of his nose and throat which he can not get rid of: he's seen Drs and specialists all to very little avail
they have given him a series of treatments none of which have helped; then early June a growth was discovered in his lower throat, quickly and sucessfully removed and benign
however has to suck sweets constantly to try and help with the throat, fishermans very strong is one he uses a lot, but also uses other sweets which are ruining his teeth and now has got to stage where the roof of his mouth is burning from all the sweets so I've picked up he has a problem with his saliva production however he says drinking water doesn't help, makes it worse, only drinks which help are tea with honey and beer (he's not a drinker)
but its driving him mad, any suggestions