good evening. im a 33 year old female. my neck had been tight turning to the right and having a bit of pain if i go just a little too far to the right. the other night my husband was massaging my neck and noticed a small, about the size of a pea, on the back of the right side of my neck in the same area it had been hurting. i felt i little more the next day and it felt like one underneath that one a little deeper, but not 100% sure. but the one on the surface i can feel it no matter the position of my neck. it doesnt roll like a knot and my husband thinks it could be a cyst. what are the chances its just a cyst and nothing too major? should i schedule an appointment with a doctor, go to er, or an urgent care? and if i should set up an appointment, who would it be with, a general practioner or a speciality doctor, if so which kind? thank you very much