hello dr...i am a 35yr old female......i had a minor breathlessness problem, mainly due to allergy when there was whitewash going on in my house some 4-5 yrs ago.....also due to this allergy i have been having pnd,i.e.post nasal drip n because of that i used to spend many nights in sitting position....one of my local drs. here had suggested salbair in small inhaler...i am quite comfortable with that...problem is now it has become a need...no matter what season or whether i have cold or not,,i have to use this inhaler every 24 hrs,,,,sometimes more than once in a day,,,,,or when i dance or run or workout more, i have to use it as i feel breathlessness....is it safe? or any sideeffects in long term,,,,,? can i get rid of it?