here are my husbands symptoms that have existed since August 2018
severe sore throat(which was tested for strep and it wasn't nor was it hoof and mouth),this turned into congestion,and chest issues which became diagnosed as a bronchicial viral disease. No meds given at that point.then it became so painful in chest area they did xrays and then did prednisone and indicated all linings were inflamed. he at that point also told them his right ear was thumping which they ignored. the inflammation seemed to go away after a week and overall he felt somewhat better except for the ear.So last week he got in to see a doctor who said yes the ear was inflamed and gave him amoxcillian.4 days and better until last Friday when it ALL came back.So now he has ear issue again,headache,sinus pain,sore throat, and going back into chest. They claims thru blood his SED rate level was 50 down to 31. any thoughts?