hey, im female 18yo, i never had sex before but i start masturbate since i was 10yo, n it happens because an accident, i dont really know if it could make me being addicted like this, i use some online date app to masturbate with people there cause im afraid to have real sex before married, n i used to listen some hypno sex files too, n now i feel my life sucks, i often absent from my class just for masturbate, i cant concentrate when study, i feel like everyone hates me, i have no friends in my collage, n my mind always thinks about some dirty things, what should i do now? im really confused, i still have a dream that i wanna reach, i still wanna have a bright future, but i cant control myself to stop masturbate, i have tried to stop it many times, nomore than a year i have fail to stop it again, i wanna get out from this, but i dunno what to do, i really wanna meet some psychiatrist, but im afraid to tell my parents about this, because in my country everything about sex is tabboo things, n my parents are tempramental n so religious, im afraid to tell them about this