hi, I have been seeing a neurologist but am not seeming to get anywhere atm. i have been having issues for about 8 years, beginning with loss of vision in my right eye that returned after several days, no other symptoms that i can pin point until 2 years ago, but do not seem to fit into any category. I have lesions on the brain (do not fit MS put down to being a migraine sufferer which only started 8 years ago), I have intermittent weakness on right side mostly leg, currently have mild foot drop. Pins and needles in the bottom of my feet. Two years ago I was admitted to hospital as I was unable to walk. After a 5 day course of IV Pred I suffered a Spontaneous Left VAD which left me paralysed for 2 days and with chronic migraine for that period. At his time they dismissed all other causes and put everything down to Ischemia. I had never suffered high cholesterol prior to this episode, nor high blood pressure (blood pressure had always been on the lower side of normal) nor type two diabetes, but I do since this occurred. I have also Since the VAD suffered issues with my right ear having perforated my eardrum three times with no cause attached and now with a loss of hearing. I need to know what can be causing all of these things to happen if not MS? What else could it be? Thank you