hi , how are you today.....I'm 56 years old and I don't smoke or drink ...I do drink filtered water , I have high blood pressure that I got from my father , I take 2 metoprolol 190mg , 2 felodpine 10 mg, 1 simvastatin 40 mg , 1 terazosin 2 mg....and 2 norflex each day , I'm not sure if I'm suffering from the side effects of all those pills or what ...I got hit by a car in 1977 that impacted my left hip , left knee and foot ...now I'm getting very tired and my back hurts all the time and I'm taking more norflex to help me get through each day , I'm now getting less a less active each day , I'm not working but I do want to the benefit I'm on is very small so I drive to a local beach to get firewood and I'm finding its getting harder to do , 2 years ago I could collect 6 buckets full a day but now I'm lucky to get one bucket full and walking to my car makes me feel short of breath