hi. i think i may have a food allergy. very quickly, now, after i eat, i begin coughing, it is harder to breathe, the muscles in my chest restrict and the left side of my face sometimes gets a numb feeling. I can have terrible brain fog; a gurgling up my throat; tons of mucus; and sometimes muscle weakness. it can feel hard to swallow. When I try to remember when I last felt great... I think it may have been a year ago. i've already been to the er last week because i was thought I was having a heart attack. My blood work, chest x-ray and brain scan were excellent. i've had the cough for over a month. i followed up with a pa and was told it was probably anxiety. i said i really thought that something was making me sick which was causing me to feel anxious. i haven't pinned down which food i think i am reacting too. but it has become pretty cause and effect: i eat and rapidly feel sick. I think it falls in the dairy, yeast and or wheat area or maybe it's something else. I was wondering what your thoughts may be. I finally have an appointment with my regular physician.