hi, im 28 and we had tried to conceive last cycle for our 2nd, i was due for my periods around the 19th of February but i was 9 days late and have just got my period last night it was a dark discharge only when i wiped then this morning i have a period and its dark/bright red, now prior to my periods i had mostly all pregnancy symptoms but didnt have any with my 1st im getting symptoms like, nauseous, high sense of smell, felling a little pain in my boobs now and then, headaches started 2 days ago and couldnt get ride of them, feeling sick if i dont eat then when i do im full off 3 mouth fulls and feel i have to vomit but never do, feeling extremely bloated, tired started 3 days ago, going to the bathroom more often, went to the meat section at woolies and felt sick etc... now i have been taking htps and all have came back negative but im not sure if i tested them too early and we had even went to the doctors on the 23rd and had a blood test done but it came back negative also the hcg level was less than 5, so it had been a week or so after and im not giving up as i feel pregnant but every test is say negative, do i have some hope in being pregnant this month? im so confused and not sure what the next step i should take! could you please help me and to put my mind at ease... Thank you