hi my mother in law is 86 and had a dvt in her right leg around two months ago. she has been prescribed xarelto, and it seems to coincide with her lack of appetite. She doesn't want to eat much, whereas before she would eat anything. especially salads. now, she get nauseous if she smells meat cooking, or if her food has spices or garlic. even pepper. she will eat very small amounts of things. we try to get her to eat small things several times a day. we give her high protein Ensure shakes, puddings, oatmeal, milk, milkshakes, applesauce, etc. we try to make bland things. even chicken.
if she smells meat cooking or spices she will throw up what she has already eaten. we have taken her to the ER once already, and she has been to her regular doctor about two or three times.
Is this normal?? will it go away?? i am very worried about her.
Any idea??