hi my name is kaz, 57 year old australian woman, i have recently had shingles , for the 4th time in 4 years, two of these times have been in a leg, first right leg with left jaw and ear pain, next timewas left leg with right jaw and ear pain, had a terrible bout this time as i was taking pandine forte for pain and was constipated for 11 days causing horrible cramping etc...was taking movicol dayly because of the constipation , i thought i would take oxycodeine instead , but had a severe allergic reaction and ended in hospital, they eventually put me on steroids although reluctantly because the shingles was still happening and toldme steriods can stir up shingles and make it worse.... my question to you is each time i have shingles in example right leg i get jaw and ear pain on the opposite side,,, doctors seem to think this is tmj....but i think it is related to shingles??? because both times i had shingles in a leg , i had jaw and ear pain on the opposite side,, i am still recovering still constipated and miserable and the alllergic reaction to the oxy 8 days ago the rash is still subsiding the reappearing all over again?