hie, i took birth control pills to stop what i thought was a period but unfortunately it did not and my cycle got corrupted that i bled for almost two weeks. My doc then prescribed norethisterone 5mg which i took for only two days and the bleeding stopped. During this time we would have unprotected sex with my fiance oftenly. After about 8days and only two day after unprotected sex again i started bleeding with brownish or darkish blood, i took only two tablets again and stopped, i bled for about 5days but it was a bit different from my normal period since it was not too heavy and a bit of clots. Now its almost two weeks and i am having lower abdomenal cramps usually one side, backache, loss of appetite and feeling dizzy and nauseated. All signs of preg but i did a home test and it was negative. My doc says i could have tested too soon. Could i be pregnant or its my hormones which are tricking me since i messed my cycle, had i not i would have gone on myperiod but i havent and its now 8days since the day i was expecting it