hiya john boyle here. thank you for your time and expertise. I was bitten by a tick 15 months ago. I had a rash on my feet,ankle area,lower legs and wrist. my doctor asked did it itch,to which I said no. at this point I was unaware of a tick bite. my doctor gave no treatment and no explanation and said it should clear up itself. I phoned him complaining that id vomited once,had a constant headache, stomach pains and was seeing gold coloured balls inside elongated segmented shapes. he said if I didn't feel better in a week or so to go and see him but he believed the rash was not related. I began to look online at rashes,i seen the identicle rash and it was caused by a tick bite. I realised I partner had knocked a tick off my foot just previous to the rash and there was not any indecation of a bite. we went the doctors straight away. I was given a course of doxycycline and told that would do the trick. over the past 15 months I have had bowens desease,a simple vein thrombosis,headaches,the rash keeps coming back on my lower legs,both myself and two sons who were aged one and two at the time have had bacterial tonsillitis and I am still seeing what I believe too be bacteria or virus in my right eye. I was tested only for lymes desease and found my doctor had not noted the thrombosis or tick bite. after seeing on line what a bite looked like I realised I had one on the area of my waist band. it was treated with antibiotic cream and has cleared up. I also had amenia at the instance I was given doxycycline. the doctors should have taken bloods before giving treatment to verify the infection but didn't. I have also of late had a small amount of blood come from my penis and have sore inner ears and recently found dried blood in both ears. what can be done to verify whats going on as im worried about my boys future health. my doctors are trying their best too brush this matter under the carpet.
Thank you for taking your time too read my plea for help
my uppermost gratitude
John Boyle
Take care
we didn't realise you had to pay. we don't have the money too. Thank you for your time