i am a 28 year old female in fairly decent helath, at 5 am on JULY 22, 2015 i took a caplet of FAMILY DOLLAR BRAND COUGH AND COLD HBP; CONTAINING 4MG CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE AND 30 MG DEXTROMETHORPHAN HBr with one full 8 oz glass of water because i was experiencing a minor throat irritation and a runny and sneezing nose, i was extremely hot and the temperature in the house was 70 degrees F, at approx 5:10 am i began experiencing weakness, light headed ness, severe muscle stiffness in my ankles, knees, hips, pelvis, spine, and worse in my chest and neck, cold chills, and a warm flowing sensation in my neck. I was extremely thirsty and immediately consumed two 8 oz glasses of room temperature water. when the symptoms of chest pains and naseaua and a little more than normal breathing, pain in my left arm starting at my shoulder and shooting to my wrist, i took 1/4 of a 325 mg aspirin with another 2 full 8 oz glasses of room temperature water and i assessed my vitals signs except temp and bp because i didn't have that eqp. my pulse was 155 BPM AND I ONLY HAD 16 RPM, SHOLD I BE TREATED FOR SHOCK?