i am a 62 yr. old native american female with multiple medical problems. diabetes type 2, high b/p, cad, back injury, neck injury, both shoulder injury's, both knees bad, arthritis all joints, restrictive lung disease, severe neuropathy, ptsd and a few other things, but these are the main ones. a couple of weeks ago i was having severe pain in my left hip joint, leg down to my knee. the pain was extreme and i have nothing for pain. the pain was driving me crazy. i dealt with it for 10-12 days. then i started jerky all over my body. the jerky was really bad. i felt weak and scared. i was confused and couldn't stay focused. at one point i woke up and i couldn't talk and i was jerking really bad. eventually i could say one word sentence. it gradually got better, within 4-5 hrs. later i could talk but my voice was shaky. i was having a hard time to think of my words. when i got up and couldn't talk i felt in my soul i was gonna die. i just knew if i went to sleep again, i would not wake up. i was so sure of it, i texted my son and a few close friend and told them goodbye. then a few days ago i got better. i still jerk, but not as bad. it comes and goes. before i got better all i wanted to do was sleep and i was very hard to wake up. when i did wake up, i would stay up long as i could, but that wasn't long. i couldn't stay awake and after a couple hours i would have to go back to bed. i have been to my primary dr., the er, and to the clinic i go to and had fasting lab done. no one knows what is wrong. i had a horrific fall oct. 2015. i fell in the bathroom and hit my head on our cast iron bathtub. it blacked my left eye and swelled it shut within minutes. in a couple days my other eye was black. eventually the bruising moved down my face. i still have some minor pain if i rub over my forehead. my eyebrow still has a dent in it that is visible to anyone that looks at it. and they don't have to get up close to see it. i had several falls in a 4-5 week span during oct.. my 12 yr. old grandson was hit by a car and killed. it devastated me. i lost 50 lbs. in the following 6 months. i couldn't eat, think, sleep or talk to anyone. it still has a big affect on me. i also suffer from severe depression. i have suffered from depression as far back as i can remember. i have attempted suicide a couple times in the past. i have suicidal thoughts often now. my health is one of the main causes. i got my disability on my back and depression. i am also very obese, 298 lbs.. so, do you have any thoughts as to what may have happen to me? do you have any suggestions as to where i go from here? i have a neurology dr., but i haven't been to see him yet. i am gonna call Monday and make an appointment. other then that, i don't have a clue what to do. thank you so very much for your time and help with this matter.
sincerely, sharon carver