i believe i have parasites. i live in the country, we have horses and cows. i also have 3 dogs that sleep in bed with us (not my choice). I have noticed that in my ears i have itching and when I use a cue tip it sounds lice sand board. i have noticed byl ooking through a maganizer what look like black pepper, red specks (not blood) and the only way i can describe these is they look like tiny praying mantice with antenias or single hair like coming out of them. I believe it might belouse. Because in my hair it feels like sand and as I rinse my hair the suds look like white 1\4 " worms. Is it possible that they can also infect your nose? Also, I have noticed skin conditions like between my fingers and toes, wrists heels. And that i have a multitude of brown spots onmy arms, legs and back. I also believe i have some kind of worm(s)in my intestine, they look like white milky things and these clear jelly like things. My stomach look bloated. Needless to say I am freaking out, NEVER in my 62 years have I ever had something like this.I was/am a nurse in Rehab/Long Term Care. I have had patients who had scabies and never had them. i dont believe that is what i have because i don't itch or have red spots. I am mortified and embarrassed I do not have health insurance at this time and do not have a physician as I have no other health conditions.I just can't go to a doctor because I am to embarrassed. Is there any remdey I can do over the counter? PLEASE HELP ME. I am giving you my boy friends email as I am unable to get into mine until tomorrow. I will be able to check his later tonight. Thanking you in advance. I am sorry I can't pay I thought this was free...sorry'