i felt painful, painful body aches 3 days ago at 3:00 a.m. i got up and covered myself with a blanket. this happened after a day by the lake. i didn't gofishing or go near the lake. it did rain a little. i went to bed feeling just fine. i felt like i had the flue. i don't have a cold, no sore throat, no coughing, no sneezy or runny nose. why would my entire bones be aching at such time 3a.m. i got up took tylenol and left to work. i felt o.k., and decide to work the 8 hours. i thought that the very painful aches was due to allergies. the next day on friday - yesterday. i worked a whole day with no aches. why do you think i had the worse body aches and it suddenly left me. i know how harsh the winter flu is. where did these horrible aches and pain come from .i turned 65 in august . i am curious about what to expect in the years to come.