i have been on vitamin d2 therapy 50,000 iu once a week for 5 weeks and 5000 iu a day,i also take prilosec ,simavastatin, and also take one norco 5-325 a day as needed for artritis pain,take enydryl for sinus allergy,had strep 2 weeks ago gave me a presione shot and step antidiotic shot put me on keflex for 10 days 500 mg 4 times a day ,could'nt was too strong made my kidneys hurt,went too my general practioner last monatoct 26,2015 show her some light rash i started getting onfeet legs and forearms,told me too switch too hard pill from gel saying i was having reaction to oil in it, have'nt taking any vitamin d since last wednesday,stop taking all meds for last 36 hours hoping for this rash too go away,it has'nt ,i have numbness in my legs both of them since my siactic nerve went off a couple of months ago.was being woke up out my sleep with chest pains last week my doctor told me too up my prilosec,i didn't cause i felt it was not my gerd ,i watch what i eat an how late ,so i won't have an episode of indigestion ,read aout vitamin d2 therapy that you can be posioned or have adverse reactions with other meds, ask my doctor when i was ther too take blood test on levels because of dose being so high its supposed to be monitored told me she'll take it in march on my return visit,my husband and i read its supposed too montior closely,now i have these red hives on my legs bottom of feet an topp starting too get more they start itty itty the prgress i'm the only one in my home with this ,my daughter nor grandson or husband has this only me ,please help i'm at the end of my wits,ihave osteo arthritis ,gerd, ulcerative colitis,and a ad siatic nerve prolem