i have had C Diff for five weeks. I am about to complete 84 doses of metronidazole. The BMs are less watery but still not normal. During the five weeks, twice I have had lymph node "bumps" in my right arm pit. The first episode disappeared in about four days, the second episode is occurring now and has been with me for about two days. I have some stomach aches with pain at 3 to 4 on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being most painful. One time, in week four, I had one episode of total body sweating...instantly wet, all over while standing still. Would love to get rid of this illness. I've had three stools examined. Only in the first was I advised that I had C. Diff. Have received no information about the second two stools. First stool outcome started me on the metronidazole regimen.