i have had issues for quite a while with migraines, dizzy spells, hot and cold spells, and random spurts of nausea with/without vomiting all of which have in the past lasted for up to two weeks. i have sometimes normal periods, and sometimes extremely painful periods with cramps that go down my legs making it very difficult to walk...these come with a lot of blood loss and a lot of clots, and sometimes i have more than one a month. i chalk the blood lossup to my being tired all the time, dizzy spells, migranes, hot spells and chills most of the time. when i havent had one recently though and i have these problems, thats when i get worried. i have been getting dizzy spells, pretty bad ones, the last week and a half without recently having experienced blood loss, and i have been dizzy all day, took dramamine twice and it didnt touch it. it seems to be getting worse, and i took my blood preasure after resting, blood preasure is great, but my heart rate is up...90 resting heart rate, and that is not even close to normal for me.