i have had pancreatitis. about 8 years ago brought on by severe alcoholic binge during my divorce. drank vodka about 1.5 litres a day. i didn't eat hardly anything or drink fluids for that matter.the pain i have been experiencing has been very similar to that but the location is not the same. its on my right side of my lower rib cage area. it feels painful in my back and on the front and side of that whole area. it sometimes is worse when i breathe too deep. but is constant otherwise. no vomitting. have had some constipation lately, like a week but have upped my prune intake and am getting relief for that. i have been going through severe depression for 2 years. unmedicated. i have become agoraphobic (self diagnosed),fear of opening my front door for any reason. i don't leave. i have prisoned myself to my own home. i cry constantly. i pray someone will help. my elderly mother brings me food sometimes. i am miserable in that whole sense. i am scared to answer my phone and will not get my mail. I've let all my bills go. i have the money to pay them too, it makes no sense. i have extreme memory loss and issues because of an attempt suicide about 9 years ago. used my car fumes. when they found me they had to call poison control because my speech was so slurred and oxygen wasn't helping. i laid for 6 hours till they could move me to a different hospital. the doctors said they didn't think i would fully recover. i did for a short period and now i am really seeing the damage i did to my brain. that is probably not part of this issue but i thought a bit of back ground may help. i know i am suffering from depression to the point that i am in danger. this i know. but this horrible stabbing pain is new and has just started about a week or so ago. i did(self diagnosed) have a uti infection a month ago. it got to the bleeding stages. i drank tons of water and made myself practically a human hose. i tried not to let any fluid stay in me at all. i just wanted to keep it moving to clear it up.. it did go away. but i do remember a similar ache in my back during that time. i think it was a kidney thing. i remember it being on both sides though. but my memory is so bad , and I'm only 40 btw, that i may be wrong about it being both sides . i do know it was above my underwear line towards the side of my back...like it feels now. but right now its in the front and back of the right side almost at my rib cage line.