i live in egypt and for the past few days the temperature was really high reaching (40 degree celisus), the thing isthat my grandma is a hypertesion patient and also showed some signs of unability to control her urine, i was told that one of my aunts got her on some medecin that help her with that condition ,i don't really know the name of the medecin bt i was told that it helped decrease the urine out some how.
i need to mention that my grandma lives alone in a low ventillated apartment, so one day the temperature was very high and after breaking into my granny's apartment she was found unconsoiuos on the floor with urine leakage, an umbulance was called and my grandma was admitted to the e.r with a blood preassure of 220 and body temperature of (40.5 degree celisus).
she was treated properly and now she is out of the hospital.
all i'm asking is how she got that so high blood pressure? , and was the medecin given to her by her children a cause in her condition?