i was diagnosed with hashimotos..hypothryroidism a few years ago, left lobe removed due to very large goiter and nodules..the right side is there but noduled....ive since then developed Barretts disease..biopsy performed, no cancer but must be closely monitored..now i have a heartbeat/swooshing sound at left ear and left side of head...when i hold my breath it stops and only then..otherwise it is constant...there is stroke..heart issues all over my dads side including my dad whom passed 15 years ago at the age of 58 with heart problems and artery blockage, his brother passed from headaches that were trying to signal aneurism....with my family history im concerned...im 5 foot 5 170 pounds (chunky) , quit smoking 5 years ago, no other vices, i do not have children, 4 ectopics, one stillborn at 5 months