is it also possible to diagnosis adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotion and conduct for the question from below with DSM-5? The one where borderline personality disorder could not be diagnosed.
Hi. Looking for a DSM-5 diagnosis for this vingette for an assignment. I'm not quite sure this fits the criteria for Borderline after struggling with it today. XXXXXXX is a 27 year old Caucasian female who self-referred for counseling. She is currently law student who sought counseling due to feelings of anxiety and depression associated with financial and school pressures. She described symptoms of agitation, irritability, frequent tearfulness, and concentration difficulties. She said the symptoms had become progressively worse over the past two months. XXXXXXX also reported that while she does not have an alcohol problem, she has escalated her drinking over the past few months. She has never had a DUI, been arrested for substance related problems, or reported that anyone has expressed concern to her over her drinking. She described several significant stressors including a recent breakup with her boyfriend, a recent automobile accident (not alcohol related), finals, and ongoing conflict with her roommate.
Because of the demands of school, XXXXXXX is limited in how much she can work. Currently, she is working part-time at a night club in the downtown area. Although she makes descent money it is insufficient to pay her bills. She states that her parents have helped her in the past but were not in a position to do so now. She also stated that she often feels misunderstood by them. XXXXXXX reported good relations with her three siblings and had frequent contacts with them.
After breaking up with her boyfriend, XXXXXXX entered into a pattern of sexual escapades marked by “quickie, love’ em and leave’em” relationships. She attributed her lack of commitment to never living up to her father’s expectations and feeling that she was not ready for a serious relationship. “I can barely take care of myself.” Unfortunately these activities lead to her contracting Trichomoniasis, an STI. She has received treatment for this infection.
Academically, XXXXXXX has always been an excellent student. She graduated from the University of XXXXXXX with a 3.98 GPA and when she applied to several law schools she was accepted into each one. XXXXXXX stated that she has never had counseling before and to her knowledge there was no history of mental health or substance abuse in her family.