last night i ran to catch bus 10 seconds noticed fluttering that felt uncomfortable, hr was 120 bpm. this a.m. resting hr 84 . 9 months ago averaged 72. last few days have had some mile anxiety about an upcoming event (i have a phobia about), but not intense.
occasional epsiodes of flutter usually only after light (2flights steps, then go to talk & am slightly out of breath) but when i exercise (semi-intensive walks 1-2 hours, semi-aerobic yoga) (1-2x/week) don't have any problems (perhaps slight lightheadedness if aerobic yoga but only occasionally)
1 year ago tested to rule out carcinoid because of symptoms of facial flushing and mild left side abdominal discomfort. all bloodwork (2x CgA) and urine 5-HIAA normal, as was lower endoscopy.
1. should i be concerned about the single rapid resting hr?
2. what does that in combination with the palpitations indicate?
thank you!