my 20 month old daughter, has what i think are wet farts in her diaper during the night and when she wakes up, she cries cause it caused a bad rash. Before this started she also had a red somewhat circle rash but kinda white still in the middle of the circle, on her bum, and this showed up even when every single diaper change I use baby aquafor , It was there for about 3 weeks, mentioned it to a doctor and he said it was like a yeast infection and to mix canesta cream and hydrocortisone cream. I did that, it somewhat went away but not completely . I mentioned it to another doctor and she said just continue doing what you were doing. Since these wet farts started, in the middle of the night, this circle keeps getting worst. any idea, what is all of a sudden causing the wet farts and what this red circle rash can be that won't go away.