my WBC count has been dropping from2.9 to 2.6, now 2.5 Since 12/2015 . I have many symptoms such as tinnitus, "burning with redness in the finger and toe tips, once with desquamation of the skin; I am severely fatigued and can hardly do any physical work without dropping to the sofa after 1-2hr. Biggest and worst new symptom started overnight in Dec, which was and still is bilat upper arm muscle pain, severe all night-cannot sleep. started 2mg/d prednisone and it helped immed... but I hate steroids (side effects). Been to hematologist, rheumatologist, Fam Practice MD, and it has come to a bone marrow Bx. I do not want to do this as it is invasive, painful, and I am not yet convinced I need to go thru all that yet. I am a PA married to an MD(emergency med) and we are spinning in circles not sure who to believe/trust anymore. All my Inflam markers and a blood smear from last week are good/clean. Thyroid-free T3 & T4 wnl. No HIV,neg for tick bites,(Lymes, Rocky Mtn Sp Fever,etc). All labs repeated x2 some x3 in past 4 mos. Recent Hx of 3 nearly abcessed root canals Oct, Nov & Dec 2015. Knee Sx april 2015 w/steroid injection before and during Sx.
Am normally active and athletic,lap swimmimg 2000yds+/day. Cannot exercise w/o feeling just plain sick. Diet is gluten free but no appetite. Insomnia is very bad 2ndary to no exercise and pain input, and feeling Fluish. Any suggestions esp. re when do I really need a bone marrow Bx(hate the idea of it but understand why its needed generally).