my father is 89 and had a stroke 3 months ago. He is now out of rehab and able to get around pretty well. His speech is back to what it was before the stroke. After the stroke he could not swallow yet, so has to have a feeding tube in his stomach. About once or twice a week he has lots of fluid in his mouth that is clear in color, looks like saliva. He gets a constant cough for about 2-3 hours with this gurgling sound and spits it out since he cannot swallow. He is not gagging. We dont know what is triggering this. We thought we were giving him too much Liquid food at a time, so we cut back to half as much. This seemed to help, but now its back. Could this be medication? Took him to emergency room, they said he had inflamation of the lungs was dying and sent him home. He has recovered from the stroke and looks and acts normal as before the stroke, laughing, joking, watching TV, etc....