my husband (65) developed some type of neuro-muscular disorder over 3 yrs. ago that began as left drop foot, later to right foot. Now he is totally disabled and dependant on me and power chair to get around. His appetite decreased over 2 yrs. ago, always getting full quickly. He now has been in hospital for 8 days, barium enema and tests show gastroparesis and his bladder was huge. I am trying to follow the diet recommended of soft foods, low fat, pastas, cooked fruits, no cheesburgers, etc. He is receiving reglan injections and the first inj. lasted for 24 hrs. How likely that we will be able to avoid this happening in the future if we follow the diet and make sure he never gets constipated again? We had no idea that this was happening to him and want to avoid it reoccurring. !!