my husband, a 32 year old, seemed to have a stroke last night, the symptoms all seemed to go away after a few minutes, he had a loud ringing in his ears, felt dizzy, could not stand and fell, then the right half of his face drooped, when i tried to get him to talk, i could not understand him, a moment later i tried to get his attention and called his name and he seemed to be starting off into nothing, i called again louder he snapped too and when i asked he cannot recall his face drooping, after that he said he felt like he was on a LSD trip for wail after that, i tried to him to go too a ER but he would not. it is the morning after that night and now wants to see a doctor, his symptoms passed before he layed down with a head ache, and his BP is still low, i need to know if we should use a ER at this point or not?