my husband is 60 yrs old and is having a mitro value and triple bypass next week, he's is a very strong guy, hunts, fish and is fairly active not a couch potatoe, he is leaning towards getting a cow value because he doesn't want to take warfarin for the rest of his life and he does like the odd drink, he was told by his surgeon it should last 20 years....I know there's no guarantee with anything, but is it true with mechanical values
you can hear them in your chest, and usually people under 50yrs old get a mechanical one
He realizes he may need another replacement around 80yrs old, but do they do them that old
Heart problems run in his family, Dad died at 60 and brother at 32, and sister had a heart attack at 60 so he's
pretty nervous, in your opinion would a cow value be his best choice, thanks