my name is Cheyenne , when i was 16 years old i had got pregnant i was 17 by the time i was going too have him , the doctors kept me in too do a 24 hour urine sample because my blood pressure was very high and they where worried about me having preeclampsia so they did it i had it and they had too do an emergency induction too get the labor on a roll too get the baby out finaly when i got too the point of me pushing my tale bone snapped !, and of course i did not feel it at the moment the next day and days after i went too leave he had prescribed me 30 hydrocodone and said i would be in pain but there was nothing they would have been able too do cause that's the one bone in your body that has too heel on its own!, well, days and weeks went by after my obgyn kept prescribing them finaly i started feel great so i threw them away and the next 48 too 72 hours where very bad i felt like i had the flu but it was withdraw! so i had got addicted , so i got my life together before i lost it went too the Wichita treatment center and i have been there for 2 years now! i plan too get off of it in the next year or so but my point is i don't feel comfortable with my treatment center i feel disrecpected and always have my medication held over my head like im a child and on top of it it's 10$ a day , my point is that i would like too find a private doctor that will be able too see me on his terms weekly monthly daily it all works for me , that will not judge me and truly help me so i can get on with my life and be a good parent and feel stable with my methadone and with my doctor? please help me? thank you !