my son cut a tendon in the little finger, 3 wks. ago. he has full feeling, and can force a fist, the finger is mobile it moves up and to the palm, A surgeon said it's so iffy, I would not even get surgery. He told him, to try to live with it because the stiffness and lack of mobility, could be worse than what he has now. But....Is it a danger not to get it repaired. No one is giving straight answers. One says do it, another says don't. It has been 3 weeks sense the injury. What to do??? We have no MRI's or Ultra sounds, but...the tip of the finger does not move. Yet, the finger goes both up, and down to the palm, and U can force a fist. But with pain in the palms. The pain comes and goes, but it does hurt. The doctor said go live a normal life, be surprised what U can still do. Then I told him about the pain he said. Don't use it for another week or so. Whaat?? I'm confused. Is surgery recommended after 3 weeks?