satsept 26@1130pm Lois Ann Lincoln 67,stage 4 aggressive estrogen based Lt breast cancer found by me dec12/14--breast removed March5/2015-started Chemo April29/15untilJuly5(3wks apart)stopped as very severe side affects developed recagding my severe numbness to my lips,fingers to the whole hand and both feet to toes numb+severe cramping of toes bending awfully painful-spells lasted30min lots of icepacks used also caused sevre pain in my rt side causing extreme pain nec. to use a care now a walker..nerve damage from chemos-went to weekly chemos july 5thfinished up total 16 done on sept 16/15.. question my bp has been very low since thurs this week week100/70p76-109/76p72-110-70p78-very dizzy,very tired unstedy called dr app next week-i wont drive feeling so dizzy but is there anything besides tons of fluids,rest,, slow to get up,foods etc?to get it up,,i strart Oct19 radition treatments 5days a week for 5 weeks very soon and im so wore out already..please suggestions thanks so much Lois from st. Thomas Ontario, Canada