thank you, I am married to some one that has been diagnosed with by polar and ptsd, I am really having a hard time with this, I was married to my childrens dad which was 100 % service connected, he had ptsd from viet nam, I never experience any thing like what I am married to now. i truly wish I was not married to him. he just fusses and fusses about taking med that the phycristist has precribed. some times i think he is worse taking it. here is the meds she gives himDIVALPROEX 500 MG TAKES 2xday, he is just so hateful and verbally abusive, I tried to divorce him and he begs me not to. then plays the game that he loves me so. He won't let go of his past and always tells others he has been done so wrong, sometimes I wonder. Sorry didn't mean to keep going, my question is how well is this med suppose to help bipolar?