what is chlorpheniramine maleate used for? Can it be used for an allergic reaction?(fyi not a life threatening reaction. I definitely know to call 911 especially if throat swelled---which is not at all the case. He(my dad) has had numerous, numerous red like blood blisters, which started 4 days ago. The spots, which only started with a few clusters in a few places, and now it is covering most or at lease 50 percent of his body and the places do not have any fluid or drainage coming from them either. The ER doctor said last night when he went that it was cellulitis. I honestly am not 100% sure what cellulitis looks like. I'll fill u in on the rest asap! Thank you with much appreciation God bless you!!! oh and He originally went to ER due to him cutting his finger which was about a month ago, and wouldn't go till last night. And he took it upon himself to cut the place so it would drain at least twice since he cut it. .
Green stuff(a rather sufficient amout) has came out each time. and in the last couple of days his finger went from just simply swollen at his knuckle with the cut and skin, not red or warm,, to rather very swollen, very red, and the cut infected. The dr prescribed him clydimycin 300mg q 3 times a day??????????????????I also know that if by tomorrow I will take him back to dr. Is this going to charge me/us