when i attempt to swallow liquid I'm experiancing large air bubbles stuck in my chest obstructing my air flow. I immidiately start hitting my chest attempting to get the air bubble out however the liquid is stuck on top of it (the air bubble) so I generally have to attempt to cough it out. when I attempted to take a breath of air or to cough and breath the liquid goes into my lungs and I am essecially drowning in the liquid. I turn blue, cant speek, or call for help until I am able to free the stuck air bubble and the liquid just comes pouring out of my mouth. The liquid is not going down the wrong tube however I appear to be choking or drowning in the liquid that is stuck above and below the air bubble that obstrucks my ability to breath, This is hard to explain but has happened twice in one week and is VERY SCARRY as a helmnick manuvure will not help me to burp up the liquid or air bubble that is stuck in my chest. The only thing that I can think of to compaire it to is burping a baby or perhaps colic?? As I am unable to force a burp out, on will, and/or have swallowed too much air and dont know how to burp it up/out before I drink fluid???? I'm at a loss as to what to do to alliviate this from happening again and am afraid that it is so severe I may not survive the next encounter, when I attempt to drink something. The 2nd eppisode just happened 2 hours ago, Please Help Me!!